About us

If you use technical standards in your activities or are even active in the development of these standards, we offer membership in ČSTN. This membership will be particularly beneficial in the following areas:

Benefits of information: 

ČSTN can provide its members with up-to-date information on the development and distribution of technical standards in the Czech Republic and abroad.

Contact with experts:

ČSTN members have extensive experience in the application of technical standards, are members of technical standardization committees and participate in the creation of not only national, but also European and international technical standards.

Inspiration abroad:

ČSTN closely cooperates with similar organizations in Germany, Austria and Slovakia. All ČSTN members have the opportunity to participate in regular meetings.

Possibility to create Czech technical standardization:

ČSTN is an important partner of the National standards body (ÚNMZ) and the Ministry of Industry in the field of technical standardization and has its representatives in the top bodies of Czech technical standardization, such as the Technical Standardization Council and the Standardization Committee.

Applying your suggestions:

ČSTN acts as a bridge between the technical public and the national standardization body.

Participation in ČSTN activities:

Each member of ČSTN has the opportunity to participate in the creation of the program of activities of ČSTN and its fulfillment. Each member may submit their expert suggestions for ČSTN events and participate in these events